This training incorporates the use of Airsoft and Simunition firearms which are designed to fire marking cartridges for safety. It is the same type of training utilized by Law Enforcement and Military to prepare individuals for high-stress encounters. There is NO SUBSTITUTE! Everyone who carries a firearm should do this training!
Each participant will experience multiple scenarios taken from real-world events. Ever wondered how you would respond to an active shooter, a home burglar, a mugging, and more? Now is the time to find out!
We have received a lot of demand for this course, but due to its nature, we are limited in class size to 12 students per session. Each session will feature different scenarios, so you can take one or both sessions. We expect these classes to fill fast!
After each scenario, we will do a quick debrief on how the scenario could have been approached better possibly. We will offer guidance but never criticize your actions. Our goal is only to help you get better!
There will also be training stations setup to keep everyone engaged while waiting to run the next scenario.
Please be advised that this training comes with a pain penalty when hit by a training round. This is necessary to induce enough stress to make it seem realistic. We routinely notice participants are out of breath after a scenario due to the adrenaline dump they experience. It is also possible that rounds will leave small marks on the skin which can last for a short time. We will provide helmets, face masks, throat protectors, and a limited number of chest guards. You will be responsible for bringing gloves to cover exposed skin as well as a soft long-sleeve shirt such as a hoodie. Males are advised to wear an athletic supporter (cup) to protect the groin.
Session #1: 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Session #2: 6:00 to 8:00 PM
NOTE: Please bring a hoodie or long-sleeve shirt, long pants, gloves, and closed-toe shoes. Males will also need an athletic supporter.
Our Airsoft training handguns replicate a Glock 17 and we will also use actual Glock 17 firearms converted to fire only Simunition marking cartridges.